DhakaPrime.com is proud to be great web app , which enables everyone to be informed about the latest happenings.
We respect copyrights, if content posted by any user is found in violation of our terms of service let us know through email. We will take action promptly. We have cross platform compatibility and works with almost every major device.
Live and free tv channels, we are sharing free TV channels. All channels are free on our website. From many country many TV channels most of them are high definition. Our website is responsive so you can watch on any device; on the phone, tablet or smart TV any device you want! We dont stream any TV channel on our servers, we are just sharing free tv streamings embed codes. If you have any problem or any advice you can contact us on our mail address.
To add a new TV station, a streaming event or to report a broken link please send an E-mail with details including URL (Website and Stream) to: info@dhakaprime.com